четвъртък, 21 октомври 2010 г.

Liwat:Islamic view of anal sex


Main article:Islamic view of anal sex

This section only describes one highly specialized aspect of its associated subject. Please help improve this article by adding more general information. (March 2010)

Liwat, or the sin of Lot's people, is officially prohibited by most Islamic sects. There are parts of the Qur'an which talk about smiting on Sodom and Gomorrah, and this is thought to be a reference to unnatural sex, and so there are hadith and Islamic laws which prohibit it. Practitioners of anal relations are called luti and are seen as criminals in the same way that a thief is a criminal, meaning that they are giving in to a universal temptation. Liwat with a woman is known as lesser liwat and with a man as greater liwat. "Some scholars refer back to the Sharia rules ... argue that anal sex between men, as considered equivalent to heterosexual intercourse, is punishable by one hundred whiplashes for an unmarried man and death by stoning for a married man. Other traditional scholars have ruled that “sodomy” between men is always punishable by death for both partners, whether married or not, based on a hadith. The punishment of toppling a wall on two men who practiced “sodomy,” which is sometimes reported, particularly in Afghanistan, is based on another hadith."[98]

As the fact that liwat is regarded as a temptation indicates, anal intercourse is not seen as repulsively unnatural so much as dangerously attractive: "one has to avoid getting buggered precisely in order not to acquire a taste for it and thus become addicted."[99] In practise, the segregation of women and the strong emphasis on virility leads to adolescents and unmarried young men seeking sexual outlets with males younger than themselves – in one study in Morocco, with boys in the age-range 7 to 13.[100] But deep shame attaches to the passive partner: "for this reason men stop getting fucked at the age of 15 or 16 and "forget" that they ever allowed/suffered/enjoyed it earlier."[99] Similar sexual sociologies are reported for other Muslim societies from North Africa to Pakistan and the Far East.[101]


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